Can you please tell me if the following statements regarding school rules are correct? Thanks a lot.

1) You must: do your homework regularly, always bring your books to class, put up your hand if you want to ask your teacher a question or answer your teacher's question (?), be respectful of both your teacher and classmates, sit properly, listen carefully and silently to the teacher's explanations, be silent during oral tests
2) You mustn't: talk unless asked (?) by the teacher, eat, drink or chew during school hours, interrupt your teacher when speaking, turn, leave th classroom without the teacher's permission,get into the laboratory before the teacher arrives, prompt a classmate, cheat during a test
3) You can ask your teacher for a repetition.
4) I have to get to the train station by 7.30, be in class when the first bell rings, help my mum with the housework, write tests and dictations, revise carefully before an oral test

2. typo = leave th classroom (the)

The rules are good!


Sure! Let's go through each statement and check if they are correct or not.

1) You must: do your homework regularly, always bring your books to class, put up your hand if you want to ask your teacher a question or answer your teacher's question, be respectful of both your teacher and classmates, sit properly, listen carefully and silently to the teacher's explanations, be silent during oral tests.

To check if this statement is correct, we can compare each rule mentioned with common school rules. Generally, students are expected to do their homework regularly, bring their books to class, raise their hand to ask or answer questions, be respectful, sit properly, listen attentively, and remain silent during tests. So, this statement appears to be correct.

2) You mustn't: talk unless asked by the teacher, eat, drink or chew during school hours, interrupt your teacher when speaking, turn, leave the classroom without the teacher's permission, get into the laboratory before the teacher arrives, prompt a classmate, cheat during a test.

Again, we can compare each rule mentioned with common school rules. Typically, students are not allowed to talk unless asked, eat, drink, or chew during school hours, interrupt the teacher, leave the classroom without permission, enter the laboratory before the teacher arrives, prompt a classmate, or cheat during tests. Therefore, this statement also appears to be correct.

3) You can ask your teacher for a repetition.

This statement is a bit ambiguous. Asking for a repetition can refer to different things, such as asking the teacher to repeat an explanation or asking for a repeat of a test or assignment. In most cases, it is acceptable to ask a teacher for clarification or a repeat of an explanation if you didn't understand it. However, specific rules regarding asking for repetitions may vary between schools or classrooms. So, this statement is partially correct, depending on the context.

4) I have to get to the train station by 7.30, be in class when the first bell rings, help my mum with the housework, write tests and dictations, revise carefully before an oral test.

This statement seems more like a personal schedule rather than a school rule. It mentions tasks and activities you need to do, such as getting to the train station, being in class on time, helping your mom with housework, studying for tests, etc. These are personal responsibilities and goals rather than specific school rules. So, this statement is not directly related to school rules.

Overall, most of the statements regarding school rules appear to be correct based on common expectations. However, it's important to remember that specific rules may vary between schools or classrooms, so it's always a good idea to check with your own school or teacher for the exact rules in place.