7[3m-(m+6)] G.T. -6(M-1)

To simplify the expression 7[3m - (m + 6)] G.T. -6(M - 1), we'll follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses/brackets.
Inside the brackets, we have (m + 6). To simplify, we just remove the brackets and keep the sign:

7[3m - m - 6] G.T. -6(M - 1)

Step 2: Simplify the expression further by combining like terms.
We have two terms that contain 'm': 3m and -m. So let's combine them:

7(2m - 6) G.T. -6(M - 1)

Step 3: Simplify expressions involving multiplication and division first.
We'll simplify the multiplication first:

14m - 42 G.T. -6(M - 1)

Next, we'll simplify the expression -6(M - 1) using the distributive property.
Multiply -6 by both terms inside the parentheses:

14m - 42 G.T. -6M + 6

Step 4: Simplify the expression further by combining like terms.
We have one term with 'm' and one term without 'm', so they can't be combined:

14m - 42 G.T. -6M + 6

This is the simplified form of the expression 7[3m - (m + 6)] G.T. -6(M - 1).