A student performed the synthesis of aspirin using a water bath at 90C instead of 50C. The final product was tested for the presence of phenols with ferric chloride. This test was negative (no color observed); however, the melting point of the dry product was 122-125 C. Explain these results as completely as possible.

I have no clue to answer this ques...can someone help me...

Salicylic acid which was probably used to make aspirin is a phenol. The negative phenol test indicates that all of the salicylic acid reacted. However, the aspirin produced was not pure. Impurities lower the melting point and make the melting point range wider. It would be hard to speculate what the impurities were since you have not described the purification part of your procedure. It may not be the result of the higher water bath temperature.

Well, well, well, it seems like this student really turned up the heat in the lab! But don't worry, I'm here to help break it all down for you.

So, let's start with the synthesis of aspirin using a water bath at 90°C instead of the recommended 50°C. You see, temperature plays a big role in chemistry reactions, and it can affect the outcome. By using a higher temperature, the reaction likely occurred at a faster rate, leading to different products or side reactions taking place. This could potentially explain the unusual results.

Now, onto the negative test for phenols using ferric chloride. Ferric chloride is often used to detect the presence of phenols by turning a nice color. In this case, since no color change was observed, it suggests that there were no phenols present in the final product. This could be due to the reaction conditions at the higher temperature, which might have resulted in the complete conversion of phenols into other compounds.

But wait, there's more! Despite the negative test, the melting point of the dry product was 122-125°C. This actually falls within the range of the expected melting point for aspirin, which is typically around 128-137°C. This suggests that the final product did indeed contain aspirin, despite the altered reaction conditions.

So, in a nutshell, the student's decision to crank up the temperature might have caused some changes in the reaction, resulting in the absence of phenols. However, the main goal of synthesizing aspirin was achieved, as shown by the correct melting point range. Just remember, in chemistry, surprises can happen even when you're trying to play it cool!

Sure, I can help you with that.

The synthesis of aspirin typically involves the reaction of salicylic acid with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst, such as sulfuric acid. The reaction is typically carried out at a low temperature, around 50°C, to control the reaction rate and minimize the formation of undesired byproducts.

When the reaction was performed at a higher temperature of 90°C, it can have several effects on the outcome of the synthesis:

1. Increased Reaction Rate: Higher temperatures generally increase the reaction rate. As a result, the reaction may have proceeded more quickly, potentially leading to a higher yield of the product.

2. Side Reactions: Higher temperatures can also increase the likelihood of side reactions or the formation of undesired products. In the case of aspirin synthesis, one such side reaction could be the hydrolysis of aspirin back into salicylic acid and acetic acid. This could lead to lower yields of aspirin and potentially affect the final product's identity.

The negative result in the ferric chloride test indicates the absence of phenols in the final product. Phenols react with ferric chloride to form a colored complex. This suggests that the aspirin product did not contain any phenols, which is expected.

The observed melting point of the dry product, 122-125°C, is consistent with the expected melting point range for pure aspirin, which is around 130-135°C. This suggests that despite the higher temperature used in the reaction, a reasonably pure sample of aspirin was obtained.

In summary, the higher reaction temperature may have affected the reaction rate and potentially introduced side reactions. However, the absence of phenols in the final product and the observed melting point range within the expected range suggest that the synthesis still resulted in reasonably pure aspirin, although the yield may have been affected.

Sure, I can help you understand these results.

To explain the results, we need to understand the synthesis of aspirin and the purpose of the tests performed.

The synthesis of aspirin typically involves the reaction of salicylic acid with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst, such as sulfuric acid. This reaction is known as esterification and results in the formation of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and acetic acid.

The water bath is used to control the temperature during the reaction, as the reaction rate is affected by temperature. The optimal temperature for this reaction is typically around 50°C. However, in this case, the student used a water bath at 90°C.

Now, let's analyze the tests performed and the observations made:

1. Testing for the presence of phenols with ferric chloride: Phenols, including salicylic acid, react with ferric chloride to form a colored complex. The presence of this color indicates the presence of phenols. In this case, the test was negative, meaning no color change was observed.

2. Melting point of the dry product: The melting point is a physical property used to characterize a substance. In the case of aspirin, the expected melting point range is typically around 135-136°C. However, in this case, the melting point range observed for the final product was 122-125°C.

Now, let's explain these results:

The negative result in the test for the presence of phenols suggests that the reaction did not produce any salicylic acid. This could be due to the higher temperature used (90°C) during the synthesis, as high temperatures can cause acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the salicylic acid, leading to its decomposition rather than its conversion into aspirin. Therefore, it is possible that the higher temperature resulted in the formation of a different product or decomposition of the salicylic acid, preventing the formation of aspirin.

On the other hand, the observed melting point range (122-125°C) is lower than the expected range for pure aspirin. This could be because the product obtained may contain impurities or other substances, which can lower the melting point of the compound. Impurities can be introduced during the synthesis process, such as incomplete reaction or secondary reactions taking place.

In summary, the higher temperature used during the synthesis may have resulted in the hydrolysis of salicylic acid, preventing the formation of aspirin. This could explain the negative result in the phenol test. Furthermore, the lower melting point range observed for the final product suggests the presence of impurities or other substances in the product.