Which of the following is an acronym?

what u think?

Acronyms are abbreviations that are usually pronounced as words, NOT as a series of letters. Only one of those abbreviations is an acronym. Can you tell now?

Out of the provided options, the possible acronyms are:

a) MADD - This is an acronym for "Mothers Against Drunk Driving." To confirm if it is indeed an acronym, you can perform a quick internet search for the term "MADD" to find its expanded form.

b) FCC - This is an acronym for the "Federal Communications Commission." Similarly, you can search for the term "FCC" to find its expanded form.

c) NBA - This is not an acronym but an initialism, which is a type of abbreviation. It stands for the "National Basketball Association." Initialisms are formed by using the initial letters of the words without creating a new term in the process.

d) EKG - This is an acronym for "Electrocardiogram." You can verify this by searching for the term "EKG" to find its expanded form.

So, out of the provided options, options a) MADD, b) FCC, and d) EKG are all acronyms, while option c) NBA is not an acronym but an initialism.