round 64 to the nearest ten.

round 87 to the nearest ten. then
add the rounded numners.

64 is less than halfway between 60 and 70.

therefore 60

87 is more than halfway between 80 and 90.
therefore 90

I bet you can add 60 and 90.

To round a number to the nearest ten, you identify the digit in the ones place and determine whether it is closer to 0 or 10.

For 64, the digit in the ones place is 4. Since it is less than 5, you round it down to 60.

For 87, the digit in the ones place is 7. Since it is greater than 5, you round it up to 90.

To add the rounded numbers, you simply add 60 and 90 together:

60 + 90 = 150

So the sum of the rounded numbers 64 and 87 is 150.