Can you please tell me if the following statements are possible?

Thank you very much for your help!

1) The action of the piston of the steam engine likens/is similar to/resembles/is like/ the head of an elephant in melancholy medness.
2)The town is described through (and not by?) three similes
3) The Victorian code of values was established/promoted during the reign of queen Victoria.
4) He wanted to show how/that (?) Coketown suffered from tedium
5)One of the effect mostly chosen by Poe was that of fear. (Can you say: tone of the most chosen effects was that of fear?)
6) Grendel represents for (is for necessary?) pure evil.

1 - I don't know.

2 - either "through" or "by" will work.

3 - established

4 - that

5 - One of the effects created most by Poe was fear.

6 is fine -- delete the stuff in parentheses.

1) Yes, the statement is possible but it needs to be clarified. You can say "The action of the piston of the steam engine resembles the head of an elephant in melancholy madness."

To answer this question, you can analyze the statement and identify the similarities between the action of the steam engine's piston and the head of an elephant in melancholy madness. Both the piston and the head of an elephant can possess certain characteristics such as movement, heaviness, and an expression of sadness or melancholy. By comparing these characteristics, you can determine if the statement is possible or not.

2) Yes, the statement is possible. Instead of "through," you can use "by" in this context. Therefore, the correct statement would be "The town is described by three similes."

To answer this question, you can search for the description of the town and identify if it is done using similes. Look for sentences or phrases that compare the town to something else using "like" or "as." If you find three instances of similes describing the town, then the statement is possible.

3) Yes, the statement is possible. The correct statement is "The Victorian code of values was established during the reign of Queen Victoria."

To answer this question, you need to verify if the Victorian code of values was indeed established or promoted during Queen Victoria's reign. You can do this by researching the history of Queen Victoria's rule and any significant social or cultural changes that occurred during her time. Look for evidence or references to the establishment or promotion of the Victorian code of values.

4) Yes, the statement is possible. The correct statement is "He wanted to show how Coketown suffered from tedium."

To answer this question, you should examine the context in which the statement is made. Look for evidence in the text or narrative that supports the idea that the author intended to depict Coketown as a place suffering from tedium. Analyze passages, descriptions, or character reactions that may imply boredom or monotony in Coketown.

5) No, the statement is not grammatically correct. The correct statement would be "One of the most chosen effects by Poe was that of fear."

To answer this question, you can review the works of Edgar Allan Poe and identify the recurring themes or effects he often used. Look for evidence in his stories or poems where fear plays a prominent role and analyze how it contributes to the overall tone or atmosphere of his work.

6) Yes, the statement is possible. However, it would be clearer to say "Grendel represents pure evil."

To answer this question, you need to analyze the character of Grendel and his role in the story. Consider Grendel's actions, motivations, and the impact he has on other characters to determine if he can be interpreted as a representation of pure evil. Look for passages or descriptions in the text that support this interpretation.