Why is historian Orlando Figes so against Lenin's actions - especially in the February and October revolutions

This should actually be historian Richard Pipes

Historian Orlando Figes has been critical of Lenin's actions, particularly in the context of the February and October Revolutions in Russia. To understand why Figes may hold this view, we need to explore some key factors that shaped his perspective.

1. Historical Interpretation: Figes is a historian who examines historical events through various primary sources, such as letters, diaries, and memoirs. His analysis of these sources may lead him to interpret Lenin's actions as detrimental or counterproductive.

2. Political Bias: Like any historian, Figes might have developed certain political biases that inform his interpretation of events. Historians are influenced by their personal beliefs, experiences, and ideological perspectives, which can shape their views on historical figures like Lenin.

3. Historical Context: Figes might emphasize the broader historical context of the Russian Revolution. He may argue that Lenin's actions led to the consolidation of power by the Bolsheviks and the establishment of a totalitarian regime, which resulted in the suppression of political dissent and the violation of civil liberties.

4. Focus on Human Rights: Figes could be critical of Lenin's actions based on the violations of human rights and the suffering that accompanied the revolutionary process. Lenin's role in consolidating power and implementing policies, such as the Red Terror and the suppression of political opponents, might be areas of concern for Figes.

It is important to note that historical interpretations can differ, and historians like Figes offer their own perspectives based on the evidence available to them. Evaluating multiple viewpoints and engaging with different historical analyses allows for a more comprehensive understanding of complex events such as the Russian Revolution.