Need help with these 2--

37. Wings, fins, and arms are limb adaptations that allow mammals to
a. live in different environments
b. attain diverse sizes
c. nurse their young
d. communicate with other mammals

38. Which characteristic is NOT widely adapted to allow mammals to live in different environments?
a. eyes
b. heart
c. feet
d. hair


There must be information in your text materials about these questions.

What do YOU think?

37 is a

and 38 is i think a and b

To answer these questions, we can analyze the provided options to determine the correct answers. Let's go through each question one by one.

Question 37 asks which limb adaptations allow mammals to do certain things. To find the answer, we can consider each option and determine if it fits with the limb adaptations of wings, fins, and arms. Let's analyze each option:

a. "Live in different environments": This option fits with the limb adaptations mentioned, as wings, fins, and arms allow mammals to adapt to various environments, such as flying, swimming, and grasping objects. Therefore, option (a) is a correct answer.

b. "Attain diverse sizes": While limbs can help mammals in achieving different sizes, this aspect is more related to other parts of their bodies, such as skeletal structure or body size variation. Limb adaptations on their own do not primarily determine the diverse sizes of mammals. Hence, option (b) is not the correct answer.

c. "Nurse their young": Limb adaptations like wings, fins, and arms do not directly contribute to nursing young. This process is related to mammary glands and specialized behaviors, rather than limb adaptations. Therefore, option (c) is not the correct answer.

d. "Communicate with other mammals": Once again, limb adaptations do not play a significant role in mammal communication. Vocalizations, body language, and chemical signals are typically used for communication among mammals. Consequently, option (d) is not the correct answer.

Based on our analysis, the correct answer to question 37 is option (a) - limb adaptations allow mammals to live in different environments.

Moving to question 38, we need to identify the characteristic that is NOT widely adapted to allow mammals to live in different environments. To find the answer, let's assess each option:

a. "Eyes": The ability to see is essential for mammals to navigate and adapt to their surroundings. Eyes are widely adapted and important for survival in various environments. Therefore, option (a) is not the correct answer.

b. "Heart": The heart is a vital organ for mammals, pumping blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. While the size and structure of hearts may vary among species, the heart itself is universally adapted in mammals to live in different environments. Hence, option (b) is not the correct answer.

c. "Feet": Feet play a crucial role in allowing mammals to move and adapt to different terrains. Variations in foot structure, such as hooves, paws, or webbed feet, are adaptations that assist mammals in different environments. Therefore, option (c) is not the correct answer.

d. "Hair": Unlike the previous options, hair is not directly related to allowing mammals to live in different environments. Hair has various functions, including insulation, camouflage, and tactile sensing. However, it is not primarily adapted for environmental adaptation. Therefore, the correct answer to question 38 is option (d) - hair.

To summarize:
- The correct answer to question 37 is (a) - limb adaptations allow mammals to live in different environments.
- The correct answer to question 38 is (d) - hair is not widely adapted to allow mammals to live in different environments.