How would I begin to compile data into useable data in using Excel?

A primary challenge for every company is to recognize and respond to the needs of its stakeholders. Stakeholders are all the people or entities who are impacted by the policies and actions of a business, including bankers/lenders, community, customers dealers/retailers, employees, environment, government, media, stockholders, suppliers/vendors.

Chose any publicly-traded company and write a paper that identifies who are at least five of that company’s stakeholders from the list above. Explain what efforts the company is currently making in order to respond to each of the five stakeholders’ needs. Also, make a recommendation of one more action the company could take to respond to stakeholder need that the company is not currently doing.
Total of 300 words.

what is means

To compile data into usable form using Excel, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Excel: Launch the Microsoft Excel application on your computer.

2. Prepare your data: Gather all the data you want to compile and organize it in a structured manner. Ensure that each piece of data has a specific category or label associated with it.

3. Create a new workbook: In Excel, click on the "File" tab and select "New" to create a new workbook. Alternatively, you can use an existing workbook if you already have one.

4. Enter your data: In the first row of the first worksheet, enter the headers or labels for each category of data. Then, enter the corresponding data below each header in subsequent rows. Make sure each column represents a specific attribute of your data.

5. Format your data: Apply formatting options, such as bolding headers, adjusting column widths, and applying cell borders, as necessary. This will make your data more visually appealing and easier to read.

6. Use Excel formulas: Excel provides a wide range of formulas and functions to perform calculations on your data. For example, you can use the SUM function to calculate the total of a column, or the AVERAGE function to calculate the average value.

7. Sort and filter data: To organize your data further, you can sort it in ascending or descending order based on specific columns. You can also apply filters to display only the data that meets certain criteria.

8. Create charts and graphs: Excel allows you to create visual representations of your data using various chart types. Select the data you want to visualize and click on the "Insert" tab to choose a chart type that best suits your needs.

9. Analyze your data: Once your data is organized, you can analyze it using Excel's built-in tools. This may include performing statistical analysis, generating pivot tables, or creating data models.

10. Save your work: Finally, remember to save your Excel workbook to secure your compiled data. You can save it in the traditional Excel format (xlsx) or choose other available formats based on your requirements.

By following these steps, you can compile your raw data into a usable form using Excel, allowing you to analyze, organize, and present the information effectively.