put this in lowest to greatest


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What do YOU think the order should be for this problem? We'll be glad to check your answer.

it would be .9,.95,9.,9.5,95

is this correct from least to greatest


To put these numbers in order from lowest to greatest, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by comparing the first two numbers, 95 and 9.5. Since 9.5 is smaller than 95, we place it before 95.

Order so far: 9.5, 95

2. Now, we compare the next number, 0.95, with the numbers we have already arranged. In this case, 0.95 is smaller than both 9.5 and 95, so we place it at the beginning.

Order so far: 0.95, 9.5, 95

3. Moving on to the next number, 0.9. Similar to the previous step, 0.9 is smaller than all the numbers we have arranged so far, so we add it to the beginning.

Order so far: 0.9, 0.95, 9.5, 95

4. Finally, we compare the last number, 9, with the others. Since it is larger than all the numbers already arranged, we place it at the end.

Order: 0.9, 0.95, 9.5, 95, 9

So, the numbers in lowest to greatest order are: 0.9, 0.95, 9.5, 95, 9