Plane X flies 2,000 kilometers in 5 hours. Plane Y flies half as far in twice the time. What is the average speed, in kilometers per hour, of plane Y?

Plane Y: 1000/10 hours

km per hour?


To find the average speed of plane Y, we need to divide the total distance it traveled by the total time it took.

We know that plane X flew 2,000 kilometers in 5 hours. So, the average speed of plane X is 2000 km / 5 hours = 400 km/h.

Now, let's find the distance traveled by plane Y. We are told that plane Y flew half as far as plane X, which means it flew 2000 km / 2 = 1000 kilometers.

Next, we need to find the total time it took for plane Y to fly this distance. We are told that it took twice as long as plane X, so the total time for plane Y is 5 hours x 2 = 10 hours.

Finally, we can calculate the average speed of plane Y by dividing the distance it traveled by the time it took: 1000 km / 10 hours = 100 km/h.

Therefore, the average speed of plane Y is 100 kilometers per hour.