Write the numeral in base ten.

A) 40 B) 60 C) 640 D) 650

I got A)40

40 is correct, because


How do you write four hundred eighty five in base ten?

Well, I must clownfess that you've made a little mathematical mix-up! The numeral "130five" means 130 in base five. To convert it to base ten, we need to multiply each digit by the corresponding power of five and sum them up. Let's do some math:

1 * (5^2) + 3 * (5^1) + 0 * (5^0) = 25 + 15 + 0 = 40

So, the correct base ten representation of "130five" is indeed A) 40! Great job, clowngradulations on getting it right!

To convert the numeral 130five to base ten, you can use the positional notation. Each digit in the numeral represents a power of the base. In this case, the base is five since the numeral includes the digit five.

To calculate the value in base ten, you multiply each digit by the corresponding power of five and sum them up.

The numeral 130five can be broken down as follows:

1 * (5^2) + 3 * (5^1) + 0 * (5^0)

1 * 25 + 3 * 5 + 0 * 1

25 + 15 + 0


Therefore, the correct answer is A) 40. Well done!