Could someone please help me write this sentence/sentences and punctuate it properly:

Additional key questions answered by the management plan include: how the work is to be completed to achieve the project goal, how the changes will be monitored and controlled, how will changes be managed, what is the projects approach to configuration management, how will performance be maintained and utilized, what level of communication between stakeholders is required and how will it be performed, which project lifecycle will be followed, and key management review and approval intervals.

All I would do is to delete the colon [you don't use colons right after verbs unless you're introducing a quotation], but it's much too long to be one good sentence. This is when a list of bulleted items is best.

Additional key questions answered by the management plan include
•how the work is to be completed to achieve the project goal,
•how the changes will be monitored and controlled,
•how will changes be managed,
•what is the projects approach to configuration management,
•how will performance be maintained and utilized,
•what level of communication between stakeholders is required and how it will be performed,
•which project lifecycle will be followed, and
•key management review and approval intervals.

To write and punctuate the given sentence properly, it can be broken down into separate sentences for better clarity. Consider the following revised sentences:

1. The management plan addresses additional key questions such as how the work should be completed to achieve the project goal.
2. It also outlines how the changes will be monitored and controlled.
3. The plan includes information on how changes will be managed.
4. Additionally, it highlights the project's approach to configuration management.
5. The management plan explains how performance will be maintained and utilized.
6. It stipulates the required level of communication between stakeholders and how it will be performed.
7. The plan specifies which project lifecycle will be followed.
8. It also defines the key management review and approval intervals.

In terms of punctuation, it's important to ensure that each sentence ends with a period. Additionally, separate each idea or question with a comma to enhance readability.