how do i find the corresponding function formula and check the symmetry algebraically

To find the corresponding function formula and check the symmetry algebraically, follow these steps:

1. Identify the given information: You need to know the symmetry being checked, such as even symmetry, odd symmetry, or no symmetry.

2. For even symmetry, if f(x) = f(-x) for all x in the domain, the function is symmetric about the y-axis. To check even symmetry algebraically, substitute -x in place of x in the function and simplify. If the resulting expression is equal to the original function, then it has even symmetry.

3. For odd symmetry, if f(x) = -f(-x) for all x in the domain, the function is symmetric about the origin. To check odd symmetry algebraically, substitute -x in place of x and replace f(-x) with -f(x) in the function. Simplify the resulting expression. If it is equal to the negative of the original function, then it has odd symmetry.

4. For no symmetry, if the function does not satisfy the conditions of even or odd symmetry, then it has no symmetry.

5. To find the corresponding function formula, you may have to analyze the given information further. Look for patterns, relationships, or properties in the problem to derive the function formula. This may involve taking derivatives, integrals, or solving equations. If the problem provides additional information, like points on the graph, use those data points to help determine the shape of the function.

Remember, checking for symmetry algebraically involves substituting values of x and simplifying expressions. Finding the corresponding function formula may require deeper analysis of the problem and using mathematical tools and techniques to derive the equation.