in 1995, the life expectancy of males was in a certain country was 70.7 years. In 2001, it was 74.3 years. Let E represent the life expectancy in year t and let t represent the number of years since 1995.

What is your question?

To represent the life expectancy in year t, denoted as E, and the number of years since 1995, denoted as t, we can create the equation:

E = 70.7 + t

This equation represents the life expectancy in a certain country in 1995, where t = 0, as 70.7 years. The value of t increases by 1 for each subsequent year.

To find the life expectancy in 2001, we need to substitute t = 6 into the equation:

E = 70.7 + 6
E = 76.7

Therefore, the life expectancy in 2001, which is 6 years since 1995, is 76.7 years.