creating and outline of the risk of using malathion according to the four steps of risk assessment presented in ch.4 figure 4.1

To create an outline of the risks associated with using malathion according to the four steps of risk assessment presented in Chapter 4, Figure 4.1, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Hazard Identification
- Identify the potential hazards or dangers associated with malathion use.
- Research and gather information on the chemical properties and effects of malathion.
- Look for studies, reports, or literature that discuss the known or potential risks and adverse outcomes linked to malathion exposure.

Step 2: Dose-Response Assessment
- Determine the relationship between the dose (amount) of malathion exposure and the resulting health effects.
- Analyze available data to understand how different levels of exposure to malathion may lead to various adverse effects.
- Consider both acute and chronic exposure scenarios and identify any dose thresholds for harmful effects.

Step 3: Exposure Assessment
- Evaluate the extent and magnitude of exposure to malathion.
- Identify the pathways through which humans may come into contact with malathion (e.g., inhalation, skin contact, ingestion).
- Determine the duration, frequency, and intensity of exposure in different settings (e.g., occupational, residential, agricultural).

Step 4: Risk Characterization
- Integrate the information gathered from the previous steps to assess and characterize the risk of using malathion.
- Consider both the probability and severity of the potential adverse effects.
- Evaluate the data on hazard identification, dose-response, and exposure assessment to determine the overall level of risk associated with various malathion exposure scenarios.

By following these four steps, you can outline the risks of using malathion based on the risk assessment process. Remember to consult available resources, studies, and expert opinions to gather the necessary information for each step.