Carbon Dating: Use the formula y= ae^-.00012t where a is the initial amount of carbon-14 , t is the number of years ago the animal lived, and y is the remaining amount after t years

how old is a fossil remain that has lost 95% of its carbon-14


about 25000

Can u explain please

rounded to the tenth, 24964.4yrs, 25000 years w/ sig figs

To find the age of a fossil remain that has lost 95% of its carbon-14, we can use the formula you provided: y = ae^(-0.00012t).

In this case, y represents the remaining amount of carbon-14, which is 5% of the initial amount. So, y = 0.05a.

Now, we can substitute this into the formula: 0.05a = ae^(-0.00012t).

Next, we can simplify the equation by canceling out the "a" terms: 0.05 = e^(-0.00012t).

To solve for "t," we need to apply logarithms to both sides of the equation. Taking the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides will help us isolate the exponent: ln(0.05) = ln(e^(-0.00012t)).

Using the logarithmic property ln(e^x) = x, the equation becomes: ln(0.05) = -0.00012t.

Now, we can solve for "t" by dividing both sides of the equation by -0.00012: t = ln(0.05) / -0.00012.

Using a calculator to find the natural logarithm of 0.05 (approximately -2.9957) and dividing it by -0.00012, we can determine the value of "t."

t ≈ -2.9957 / -0.00012 ≈ 24,964.

Therefore, the fossil remain is approximately 24,964 years old, based on the given information.