(-4)cubed divided by (-2)cubed -3(-5)squared I got -67 am i correct?

-64/-8 * -3 * 25



Simplify that fraction down to lowest terms and that reduced is . . . ?


To solve this expression, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Evaluate (-4) cubed, which means multiplying -4 by itself three times:
(-4) cubed = (-4) * (-4) * (-4) = -64

Step 2: Evaluate (-2) cubed, following the same process:
(-2) cubed = (-2) * (-2) * (-2) = -8

Step 3: Simplify -3(-5)squared:
(-3) * (-5)^2 = (-3) * 25 = -75

Step 4: Combine the results from steps 1 to 3:
(-4) cubed divided by (-2) cubed - 3(-5)squared = -64 / -8 - (-75)

Step 5: Calculate the division and subtraction:
-64 / -8 = 8
- (-75) = 75

-64 / -8 - (-75) = 8 - 75 = -67

You are correct! The result is indeed -67. Well done!