Trains A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 80

Miles per hour and train B is traveling at 88 miles per hour. Train A passes a station at
1:20 am A.M. If train B passes the same station at 1:35 A.M., at what time will train B catch up to
Train A?

To find the time when Train B catches up to Train A, we need to calculate the time difference between when Train A passed the station and when Train B passed the station.

First, let's find the time difference in minutes between when Train A and Train B passed the station:

Train B passed the station at 1:35 A.M.
Train A passed the station at 1:20 A.M.

To convert these times into minutes, we can multiply the hours by 60 and add the minutes.

Train B passed the station at (1 * 60) + 35 = 95 minutes past midnight.
Train A passed the station at (1 * 60) + 20 = 80 minutes past midnight.

The time difference between when Train A and Train B passed the station is 95 - 80 = 15 minutes.

Now, let's calculate the rate at which Train B catches up to Train A:

Train A is traveling at a speed of 80 miles per hour.
Train B is traveling at a speed of 88 miles per hour.

Since Train B is traveling faster than Train A, it means that Train B is closing the distance between them at a rate of (88 - 80) = 8 miles per hour.

To find the time it takes for Train B to catch up to Train A, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Rate

In this case, the distance Train B needs to cover to catch up to Train A is 0 miles (since Train A already passed the station) and the closing rate is 8 miles per hour.

Plugging in these values to the formula, we get:

Time = 0 miles / 8 miles per hour = 0 hours

Therefore, Train B will catch up to Train A in 0 hours, which means they will meet at the same time.

Since Train A passed the station at 1:20 A.M., Train B will catch up to Train A at 1:20 A.M.