Nikki read 896 pages of her book this week. How many pages is this per day?

She may have read more one day than another, but assume there are 7 days in that week and divide 7 into the total number of pages.


128 pages a day

To find out how many pages Nikki read per day, we need to divide the total number of pages read (896) by the number of days. Since the question doesn't provide the number of days Nikki read, we cannot calculate the exact number of pages read per day based on the given information. However, if we assume Nikki read for a full 7 days in the week, we can calculate an estimate.

To estimate the number of pages Nikki read per day, divide the total number of pages (896) by the number of days (7):

896 pages / 7 days = 128 pages per day (approximate)

Keep in mind that this is an estimate based on the assumption that Nikki read for a full week. If you have the exact number of days Nikki read, you can divide the total number of pages by that number to get an accurate result.