A major goal of a child's transition to a new program is to: a.meet new people b.learn new skills c.meet new teachers d.transfer skills

Since the goal of education is to learn, the child transitions to another program in order to learn new skills.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the purpose of a child's transition to a new program. Transitioning to a new program typically involves moving from one educational setting to another, such as transitioning from preschool to kindergarten or from elementary school to middle school. During this transition, several goals can be considered important, but it's essential to identify the major goal.

a) Meet new people: This goal focuses on the social aspect of transitioning to a new program. Meeting new people can help children expand their social circles, develop new friendships, and feel more connected to their new environment.

b) Learn new skills: Transitioning to a new program often offers opportunities for children to acquire and develop new skills. These skills can be academic, social, or emotional. Examples may include learning to read, write, solve math problems, work effectively in groups, or manage emotions in a new social context.

c) Meet new teachers: Meeting new teachers is an important part of the transition process. Developing a positive relationship with teachers can support a child's academic and social growth. It provides an opportunity for the child to feel supported and understood in the new program.

d) Transfer skills: Transferring skills from the previous program to the new program is another major goal. Children bring along their existing knowledge, abilities, and experiences, and the new program should build upon these foundations. This goal ensures continuity in learning and minimizes disruptions caused by transitions.

Now, to determine the major goal among these options, we need to assess the overall significance of each goal. While all the options play a role in a child's transition, the goal that encompasses most of the transition process is "b) Learn new skills." Transitioning to a new program is primarily aimed at providing children with an opportunity to acquire and develop new skills that are appropriate for their current developmental stage.

Hence, the major goal of a child's transition to a new program is to learn new skills.