what is lava q2 what r the three resource of nature

See your previous answer.

Resources of nature: air, water, land

Lava is molten rock that comes out of an active volcano or fissure in the Earth's crust. It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures of 1,500 to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit (800 to 1,200 degrees Celsius). Lava is typically thick and viscous, but it can vary in consistency depending on its chemical composition. When lava cools down and solidifies, it forms igneous rock.

Now, moving on to your second question about the three resources of nature. The Earth provides us with a multitude of natural resources that are essential for our survival and for sustaining various human activities. Here are three examples:

1. Water: Water is one of the most crucial resources provided by nature. It is essential for our survival and is used in countless ways, including drinking, agriculture, irrigation, and generating electricity through hydropower.

2. Air: Although often overlooked, air is a critical resource provided by nature. It consists primarily of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), with trace amounts of other gases. We rely on air for breathing and for the necessary oxygen to sustain life. Additionally, air plays a crucial role in regulating climate patterns and distributing heat across the planet.

3. Minerals: Nature provides us with various minerals found beneath the Earth's surface. These minerals include precious metals like gold and silver, industrial minerals like coal and iron ore, and semi-precious gemstones like amethyst and jade. Minerals are used in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, technology, and jewelry.

To further explore the diverse resources provided by nature, you can delve into the fields of geology, environmental science, or natural resource management. These disciplines study the Earth's natural resources, their extraction, and their sustainable use for the benefit of humanity.