how do Compare and contrast the roles the prison system, the family, and the social stratification system play in either contributing to or alleviating the problem of crime?

This sites will help organize and write your compare and contrast paper.

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how do Compare and contrast the roles the prison system, the family, and the social stratification system play in either contributing to or alleviating the problem of crime?

To compare and contrast the roles of the prison system, the family, and the social stratification system in relation to the problem of crime, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the prison system: Start by gathering information on how the prison system functions and its primary goals. Look into various aspects such as incarceration rates, types of prisons, and different rehabilitation programs offered.

2. Explore the family's impact on crime: Investigate how family structures and dynamics influence the likelihood of criminal behavior. Consider factors like parenting styles, family cohesion, social support, and access to resources. Look for studies or data on the correlation between family background and crime rates.

3. Understand social stratification: Study the concept of social stratification and its implications for crime. Learn about how inequality, distribution of resources, and social class impact criminal behavior. Look into theories such as strain theory or conflict theory that explain the relationship between social stratification and crime.

4. Identify contributions to crime: Analyze how each system contributes to the problem of crime. Examine the role of the prison system in deterring crime through punishment and rehabilitation. Investigate how family dynamics, such as neglect or exposure to criminal behavior, can contribute to criminal actions. Consider how social stratification, including limited opportunities and unequal access to resources, may be linked to crime.

5. Explore alleviating factors: Investigate how each system can contribute to alleviating the problem of crime. Look into prison reform initiatives, such as education and job training programs, designed to reduce recidivism rates. Consider how strong family relationships, positive parenting practices, and access to support systems can potentially prevent criminal behavior. Explore how reducing social inequality and providing opportunities for marginalized individuals can help alleviate crime.

6. Compare and contrast: Finally, compare and contrast the roles of the prison system, the family, and the social stratification system in contributing to or alleviating the problem of crime. Analyze commonalities and differences between their impacts, effectiveness, and potential for addressing criminal behavior.

By following these steps, you can compare and contrast the roles of the prison system, the family, and the social stratification system, and gain a comprehensive understanding of how they contribute to or alleviate the problem of crime.