

put in y=mx+b form

no i know how to get this but i don't get where I am plugginf y and x in to

A square desk has a perimeter of 300 centimeters. how long is each side

To put the equation y=mx+b in the form with the given slope m=7/8 and point (5, -5), we need to find the y-intercept, b.

The formula for the equation of a line, given the slope (m) and a point (x, y) on the line, is y = mx + b.

First, substitute the given slope into the equation:
y = (7/8)x + b

Next, substitute the coordinates of the given point (5, -5):
-5 = (7/8)(5) + b

Now, we can solve for b. Let's simplify the equation:
-5 = (35/8) + b

To isolate b, we need to subtract (35/8) from both sides of the equation:
-5 - (35/8) = b

To perform the subtraction, we need a common denominator, which is 8:
-40/8 - 35/8 = b

Now, let's calculate:
-75/8 = b

Finally, we have the value of b. The equation y = mx + b, with the given slope m=7/8 and point (5, -5), in slope-intercept form, is:
y = (7/8)x - 75/8