Why are current clothing styles generally more expensive than classic styles?

a.current styles are better quality items
b.classic styles do not change as often
c.current styles have less variety
d.classic styles are usually on sale
i think the answer is d.

I don't like any of these answers.

Current clothing styles are more expensive because people will pay more for them.

I don't understand why people pay expensive prices for ripped and torn jeans.

It's one of my worksheet questions and i put d. I was wondering if I was correct.

Go with whatever your book or text materials say.

To determine the answer, let's break down each option and see which one makes the most sense.

Option A: "Current styles are better quality items."
This option suggests that current clothing styles are more expensive because they are made with better quality materials or craftsmanship. While this can sometimes be true, it is not necessarily the main reason for the higher prices.

Option B: "Classic styles do not change as often."
This option suggests that classic styles, which have stood the test of time, do not go out of fashion as quickly as current styles. Therefore, there is less need for constant production and marketing, resulting in lower prices. This is a valid point, highlighting one of the reasons classic styles may be less expensive.

Option C: "Current styles have less variety."
This option suggests that current styles, despite being more expensive, have less variety compared to classic styles. However, this assertion does not directly explain the price difference between the two.

Option D: "Classic styles are usually on sale."
This option suggests that classic styles are often put-on sale, which makes them more affordable compared to constantly fluctuating prices of current styles. This is a plausible reason for the price difference.

So, based on our analysis, option D seems to be the most logical answer. Classic styles being typically found on sale and subject to discounts can explain why they generally have lower prices compared to current clothing styles.