1. What are details (2) of Indian removal policies that lead to the Trail of Tears?

2. Was the Trail of Tears a "triumph of democracy?" Why or why not?

For #1-2 i need at least 2-3 details/examples/quotes.



2. What do YOU think?

1. Didn't congress pass the Indian Removal Act in 1830?

I don't know another detail for #1 though.

2. I don't know #2 either

To get the answer to your questions about Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears, we can start by doing some research. Here's how you can find the information:

1. To find details about Indian removal policies that led to the Trail of Tears:
- Use a search engine (e.g., Google) to look for information about Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears.
- Look for reliable sources such as government websites, academic articles, or historical accounts from reputable authors.
- Read through the sources to find two specific details about the Indian removal policies that led to the Trail of Tears. These could include the Indian Removal Act of 1830, federal treaties with Native American tribes, the forced relocation of Native Americans, or the involvement of the U.S. military.

2. To determine if the Trail of Tears was a "triumph of democracy" or not:
- Look for information that presents different perspectives on this topic.
- Consider searching for historical analyses, articles, or papers that discuss the events surrounding the Trail of Tears.
- Pay attention to arguments both in favor of and against the idea that the Trail of Tears was a triumph of democracy.
- Evaluate the evidence and reasoning presented to form your own opinion.

By following these steps, you should be able to find accurate information and form informed answers to your questions about Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears.