in a riddle, a girl stands on one end of a newspaper spread flat on the floor. her brother stands on the other end. neither can touch the other person. how come? please help me!

Probably because they are facing opposite directions.

In this riddle, the girl and her brother can't touch each other because they are standing on different ends of a flat newspaper on the floor. The newspaper acts as a barrier between them, preventing physical contact.

In this riddle, the girl and her brother are standing on opposite ends of a newspaper spread flat on the floor, and they cannot touch each other. The solution to this riddle involves spatial reasoning and thinking outside the box.

The reason they can't touch each other is that they are standing on opposite ends of the newspaper. The newspaper acts as a barrier between them, preventing any physical contact between them. Essentially, the newspaper is creating a physical separation between the girl and her brother.

To arrive at this solution, it's important to carefully analyze the details of the riddle and consider all possibilities. By realizing that the newspaper itself serves as a barrier, the answer becomes clear. It's a clever twist that challenges us to think beyond the obvious.