the formation of childrens core values is most strongly influenced by?

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I believe that childrens core values are most like influence by their parents or guardian. I hope that helps.

The formation of children's core values is influenced by various factors. While there isn't a single answer that can fully capture all the influences, I can outline some of the most significant factors that shape a child's core values:

1. Family: The family plays a crucial role in shaping a child's core values. Parents, siblings, and extended family members can strongly influence a child's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Children observe and learn from the values demonstrated by their family members.

2. Culture and Society: The broader cultural and societal context in which a child grows up also plays a significant role in shaping their core values. Cultural norms, traditions, and social values prevalent in a community can influence a child's perspective on various aspects of life, including ethics, relationships, and personal beliefs.

3. Education: Schools and educational institutions play a vital role in shaping children's core values. Through formal education, children learn about moral principles, social expectations, and ethical behavior. Teachers, peers, and the overall learning environment contribute to children's understanding of values.

4. Media and Technology: In today's digital age, media and technology have a significant impact on children's values. Television shows, movies, social media, and other forms of media can strongly influence their perception of right and wrong, fairness, and other core values.

5. Personal Experiences and Relationships: Personal experiences and relationships, both positive and negative, can shape a child's values. Interactions with friends, mentors, and neighbors, as well as involvement in community activities, can provide different perspectives and influence a child's moral compass.

It's important to note that children's core values are a result of a combination of these influences, and no single factor has exclusive control over their development. It is a complex process that evolves over time, as children grow and mature, interact with diverse individuals, and gain exposure to different environments.