I have to write an essay on the drop of the atomic bomb on japan in world war 2.

Our teacher told us president Truman never dropped it on japan but demonstrated the bomb to japan on the effect o it.

However, the internet said it was dropped and japan surrendered

I don't know what to believe???

I very much remember being taught last year that they did drop the bomb. I think it was in 1945, they dropped it on Hiroshima..

oh interesting, my teacher said they talked to the president of japan and told him to look somewhere and he saw the atomic bomb,Truman just showed the atomic bomb but never used it on Japan.

Your teacher is wrong!

Read about the devastation that was wrought by the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


After Japanese leaders flatly rejected the Potsdam Declaration, President Truman authorized use of the atomic bomb anytime after August 3, 1945. On the clear morning of August 6, the first atomic bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Leveling over 60 percent of the city, 70,000 residents died instantaneously in a searing flash of heat. Three days later, on August 9, a second bomb, Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki. Over 20,000 people died instantly. In the successive weeks, thousands more Japanese died from the after effects of the radiation exposure of the blast.

It can be quite confusing when you encounter different sources that provide conflicting information about historical events. In the case of the atomic bomb in World War II, let's start by clarifying the events that took place.

The United States did, in fact, drop atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. Two atomic bombs were dropped: the first in the city of Hiroshima on August 6th and the second in Nagasaki on August 9th. These bombings caused immense destruction and loss of life, leading to Japan's decision to surrender just a few days later, marking the end of World War II.

However, it is true that President Truman did consider demonstrating the devastating power of the atomic bomb to Japan before actually using it as a military weapon. This plan was called the "demonstration option" or the "test option." It involved detonating the bomb in an unpopulated area, with the hope that Japan would be convinced to surrender without the need for further bombings. Ultimately, this option was not chosen, and the bombs were dropped directly on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

So, to answer your question, the internet is correct in stating that the atomic bombs were indeed used on Japan, which ultimately led to Japan's surrender. However, your teacher may have been referring to the alternative option that President Truman considered, but ultimately decided against.

When researching historical events, it is always important to consult multiple sources and consider different perspectives to form a well-rounded understanding.