Sams birthday is 186 days after jim's birthday. susan's is 24 days after jim's. sam was born on september 6. what day was susan born on if it was not a leap year?

It is March 26th because March 2nd + 24 days is March 26th

To find out which day Susan was born on, we first need to determine Jim's birthday. Since Susan's birthday is 24 days after Jim's, we can subtract 24 from September 6 to get Jim's birthday.

September has 30 days, so we subtract 24 from 30: 30 - 24 = 6.

Therefore, Jim's birthday is on September 6.

Now, to find Sam's birthday, we know that it is 186 days after Jim's birthday. We add 186 days to September 6.

Since September has 30 days, we subtract 30 from 186 repeatedly until we have a number less than 30.

186 - 30 = 156
156 - 30 = 126
126 - 30 = 96
96 - 30 = 66
66 - 30 = 36

After subtracting 30 five times, we're left with 36.

Therefore, Sam's birthday is on October 5.

Finally, to find Susan's birthday, which is 24 days after Jim's, we add 24 to Jim's birthday.

September 6 + 24 = September 30.

Therefore, Susan's birthday is on September 30.

186-24=162. Since Susan was born 162 days before Sam, her birthday would be on March 28