in the parking lot of floras apartment complexthere are 8 rows of parking spaces in each row,there are 12 parking spaces on the left and 14 parking spaces on the right. The total number of parking spacesin 8 rows of the lot is represented bye the expression bleow.

which of the following is equivalent to this expression
i had pick b i would like to know if im right.thank you

the answer is C because you will still be able to multiply the 8 by each number in the parentheses. The 12 and 14 are simply switched.

To solve this problem, we need to simplify the given expression and then compare it with the options provided. Let's simplify the given expression step by step:

8 * (12 + 14)

First, we perform the operation inside the parentheses:

8 * 26

Next, we multiply:


Now, let's compare the simplified expression with the given options:

a. 8 * 12 * 14 = 1344
b. (8 * 12) + 14 = 110
c. 8 * (14 + 12) = 208
d. 8 * 14 + 12 = 116

None of the options provide the same simplified expression as the given expression except option c. Therefore, the correct answer is c. 8 * (14 + 12).