I have no idea how to do these type of problems.

Solve each equation on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi

42. SQRT(3) sin theta + cos theta = 1

There is an example prior to the excersises that attempts to explain how to do these types of problems. I do not understand it...

Solve the equation on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi

a sin theta + b cos theta = c (2)

where a, b, and c are constants and either a does not equal 0 or b does not equal 0.

We divide each side each side of equation (2) by SQRT(a^2 + b^2). Then

a sin theta /SQRT(a^2 + b^2) + b cos theta/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) = c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) (3)

There is a unique angle phi, 0 less than or equal to phi less than 2 pi, for which

cos phi = a/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) and sin phi = b/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) (4)

Figure 36
h t t p : / / i m g 2 6 9 . i m a g e s h a c k . u s / i m g 2 6 9 / 3 0 0 2 / c a p t u r e n m k . j p g

See Figure 36. Equation (3) may be written as sin theta cos phi + cos theta sin phi = c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2)

or, equivalentley,

sin(theta + phi) = c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) (5)

where phi satisfies equation (4).

If |c| > SQRT(a^2 + b^2), then sin(theta + phi) > 1 or sin(theta + phi) < -1, and equation (5) has no solution.

If |c| less than or equal to SQRT(a^2 + b^2), then the solutions of equation (5) are

theta + phi =sin^-1 c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) or theta + phi = pi - sin^-1 c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2)

Because the angle phi is determined by equations (4), these are the solutions to equation (2).

Well I didn't understand but here is my attempt at solving the PROBLEM which is clearly wrong


Solve each equation on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi

42. SQRT(3) sin theta + cos theta = 1

I just plugged and chugged into what the book claims to be the solutions into the formula

theta + phi =sin^-1 c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) or theta + phi = pi - sin^-1 c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2)

theta + phi = sin^-1 1/SQRT(3 +1) = sin^-1 1/2 = pi/6


theta + phi = pi - pi/6 = (5 pi)/6


Well I'm lost so if you could guide me in some way to solve these type of problems that would be extremely appreciated... TAHNKS!!!!


Let me show you how I would do this question.
(I will use x instead of theta for easier typing)

√3sinx + cosx = 1
√3cosx = 1-cosx
square both sides
3cos^2 x = 1 - 2cosx + cos^2 x
3(1-sin^2 x) = 1 - 2cosx + cos^2 x
this reduces easily to
2cos^2 x - cosx - 1 = 0
(2cosx + 1)(cosx - 1) = 0
cosx = -1/2 or cosx = 1
x or theta = 120º , 240º or 0 , 360º
x = 0, 2pi/3, 4pi/3, 2pi

since we squared we must test each answer in the original equation
4pi/3 does not work, so
x = 0, 2pi/3, 2pi

In a rather complicated way they are trying to say that

any linear combination of sine and cosine can be expressed as a single sine or cosine function of the form a(sin(x+ß)

let a sin(x+ß) = √3sinx + cosx
= a(sinxcosß + cosxsinß)

This is true if
a sinxcosß = √3sinx AND a cosxsinß = cosx
cosß = √3/a and sinß = 1/a

now sinß/cosß = (1/a)/(√3/a) = 1/√3
tanß = 1/√3
ß = 30º or pi/6
then sin 30º = 1/a
1/2 = 1/a ---> a = 2

so our original √3 sin x + cos x = 1 becomes
2sin(x+30º) = 1
sin(x+30º) = 1/2
x+30 = 0 or x+30 = 150º
x = 0º or 120º
the period of sin(x+30) is 360º so we can add 360 to any answer as long as that keeps us in our domain
so x = 0, 120 , or 360

just like I had before

No problem, I can help you understand how to solve these types of problems step by step.

Let's start by looking at the equation you provided:

SQRT(3)sin(theta) + cos(theta) = 1

The first step is to rewrite the equation in the form given in the example (equation 2):

a*sin(theta) + b*cos(theta) = c

In this case, a = SQRT(3), b = 1, and c = 1. Now we can follow the steps outlined in the example.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by SQRT(a^2 + b^2). In this case, we divide by SQRT(3^2 + 1^2) = 2.

(SQRT(3)sin(theta))/2 + (cos(theta))/2 = 1/2

Step 2: We need to find the angle phi that satisfies equation (4). In this case, we have:

cos(phi) = a/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) = SQRT(3)/2
sin(phi) = b/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) = 1/2

From trigonometric values, we know that cos(phi) = SQRT(3)/2 is the value of cos(theta) when theta = pi/6 or 5pi/6. Similarly, sin(phi) = 1/2 is the value of sin(theta) when theta = pi/6 or 5pi/6.

Step 3: Rewrite the equation (3) using sin(theta + phi) = c/SQRT(a^2 + b^2) from equation (5):

sin(theta + phi) = 1/2

Step 4: Now we can solve for theta + phi by taking the inverse sine of both sides:

theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2)

This gives us one value of theta + phi, but we need to find all the possible solutions on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi.

To find additional solutions, we can use the symmetry of the sine function. Since sin(180 degrees + x) = sin(x), we can add 180 degrees (or pi) to our initial solution to find another solution:

theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2) + pi

This gives us another potential angle.

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are:

theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2) or theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2) + pi

To find the actual values of theta, you can substitute the known values of phi and solve for theta:

For theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2):
theta = sin^-1(1/2) - phi

For theta + phi = sin^-1(1/2) + pi:
theta = sin^-1(1/2) + pi - phi

Now that we have the values of theta, we can find the values of theta on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi.

In this case, theta = sin^-1(1/2) - pi/6 or 5pi/6, and theta = sin^-1(1/2) + pi - pi/6 or 5pi/6.

So the solutions to the equation SQRT(3)sin(theta) + cos(theta) = 1 on the interval 0 less than or equal to theta less than 2 pi are:

theta = pi/6 or 5pi/6, and theta = 7pi/6 or 11pi/6.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the process of solving these types of problems for you. Let me know if you have any further questions!