1) What phase are daughter cells in as a result of mitosis?

answer: Anaphase

2)During what phase of mitosis do centromeres divide and the chromosomes move toward of their respective poles?
answer: prophase

3)Which phase of mitosis is the last phase that chromatids are together?

4)What structure is produced when spindle fibers radiate from centrioles?

Can you correct my answers please? thank you

Multiple Post. Please see your later post.


your wrong dummy head

Sure! Here are the correct answers:

1) What phase are daughter cells in as a result of mitosis?
Answer: Daughter cells are formed in the Telophase of mitosis.

2) During what phase of mitosis do centromeres divide and the chromosomes move toward their respective poles?
Answer: During Anaphase of mitosis, centromeres divide and the chromosomes move toward their respective poles.

3) Which phase of mitosis is the last phase where chromatids are together?
Answer: Anaphase is the phase of mitosis where chromatids separate and become individual chromosomes, so it is the last phase where chromatids are together.

4) What structure is produced when spindle fibers radiate from centrioles?
Answer: Spindle fibers radiate from the centrosomes, which are structures that contain the centrioles.

Sure! I can correct your answers.

1) What phase are daughter cells in as a result of mitosis?
Corrected answer: Daughter cells are in the telophase phase as a result of mitosis. Telophase is the final stage of mitosis where the chromosomes have already separated into two distinct sets.

2) During what phase of mitosis do centromeres divide and the chromosomes move toward their respective poles?
Corrected answer: Centromeres divide and the chromosomes move towards their respective poles during anaphase. Anaphase is the stage where the sister chromatids are pulled apart and move towards opposite ends of the cell.

3) Which phase of mitosis is the last phase that chromatids are together?
Corrected answer: The last phase that chromatids are together is metaphase. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell and are still connected by the centromere.

4) What structure is produced when spindle fibers radiate from centrioles?
Corrected answer: When spindle fibers radiate from centrioles, they form the mitotic spindle apparatus. The spindle fibers play a critical role in separating the sister chromatids during mitosis.