What is the independent clause and dependent clause of the following :

"However, Chuck Tompkins, head of animal training at all SeaWorld parks, said Brancheau was rubbing the whale after a show when the whale grabbed her and pulled her in, the Associated Press reported."

The quotation marks are not in the right place at the end. There should be an end quote following "in." The subject would be Associated Press. The verb would be reported.

I put the quotations in because the sentence was from a article...Would the independent cluase be "Chuck Tompkins/said" ,"Brancheas/was" ,"whale/grabbed" and "whale/pulled"? And the dependent be "Associated Press reported"?

The independent clause is Associated Press reported.

All the rest is a dependent noun clause ( direct object)

In the given sentence, we can identify the independent clause and the dependent clause.

The independent clause is the main part of the sentence that makes complete sense on its own. It contains the main subject and predicate. In this sentence, the independent clause is: "Chuck Tompkins said Brancheau was rubbing the whale after a show when the whale grabbed her and pulled her in."

The dependent clause, on the other hand, does not express a complete thought and relies on the independent clause to make sense. It usually begins with a subordinating conjunction. In this sentence, the dependent clause is: "However, head of animal training at all SeaWorld parks, the Associated Press reported."

To find the independent and dependent clauses, you can look for the subject and verb of each clause. In this case, "Chuck Tompkins" is the subject of the independent clause, and "said" is the verb. The dependent clause begins with "However" and relies on the independent clause to provide the necessary information.

Remember, the independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, while the dependent clause cannot.