The visitors call me a baby.

Les visiteurs appellant moi un bebe.

Is this correct?

Les visiteurs m'appellent un bebe.

You made a mistake with the present third person of the verb appeler.

For both of you, please dont' forget the accents on bébé.

Sra (aka Mme)

There are 3 "e's" and each one has a different sound:
e = uh
è = eh
é = a (like the first letter in the
English alphabet

Yes, the translation "Les visiteurs appellent moi un bébé" is correct in terms of the grammar and syntax. However, there are a few errors in the sentence.

First, the word "appellent" should be spelled with two "l"s.
Second, instead of "moi," it should be "me" to indicate that the visitors call you a baby.
Lastly, "bébé" should have an accent on the first "e" (i.e., bébé) to match the correct spelling.

Therefore, the correct translation would be: "Les visiteurs m'appellent un bébé."