I need help with writing a paper on teen pregnancy. What topic sentences could I used for my three body pragraphs, and conclusion.Thanks

We can't write your topic sentences for you without knowing what you want to say in those paragraphs.

If you post your thesis sentence and a brief outline of your paper, we'll be glad to help you. Be sure to include the facts that support your thesis.

This is a HUGE subject -- way too broad to address in "a paper." Here are some ideas for helping you narrow your focus to a topic that can be addressed in a paper:

So ... what aspect of teen pregnancy do you intend to write about?

If you have followed the writing process, you would have done some brainstorming to come up with ideas. Have you done this?

Have you decided on a thesis statement? Usually this comes from your brainstorming also.

This is one of the very best places I've seen online to help students write good thesis statements. It shows you sentences that aren't thesis statements and how to turn each one into a real thesis statement.

Just remember: Your thesis statement must include factual information plus your position/opinion/stance. Without your position on the topic, it isn't a true thesis statement. So think of this sentence as the angle you want to take on the topic and what you intend to prove by the end of your paper. (If your statement is simply factual, then there's nothing to prove!)

Let us know.

Sorry, Here's my introduction : Approximately 1 million American teenage girls still get pregnant each year. That is by far the highest rate of teen pregnancies of any industralized nation.Eight out of ten are unplanned, according to National Canpaign to prevent Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy.Thesis: Even though the government spends a great amount of money on educational programs for preventing teen pregnancy. Help keep your teen safe from teen pregnancy by educating them on how to prevent becoming a teen parent.

*Protect your teens from teen pregnancy
*Preventing teen pregnancy
*Educating your teen on teen pregnancy and practicing abstinence

Your thesis contains an incomplete sentence. It's also too long.

Assuming that your last sentence is actually your thesis, you need to write about three facts showing how parents can keep teens safe from pregnancy.

Your three points do not support your thesis.

Be specific. How can you protect them? Condoms, birth control pills, abstinence, providing a chaperone for them at all times are a few methods.

Would you explain that it takes only one unprotected insertion of the into the woman's l opening can result in pregnancy?

Sorry, but the filter wouldn't allow these two words:

and v a g i n a l

To craft effective topic sentences for your paper on teen pregnancy, it is significant to ensure that each paragraph revolves around a specific aspect or argument related to the topic. Here are some sample topic sentences you can use for each body paragraph and a concluding statement for your essay:

1. Body Paragraph 1: Causes and Risk Factors
"Teen pregnancy is often the result of inadequate sex education and lack of access to contraceptives."

2. Body Paragraph 2: Consequences and Impacts
"Teen pregnancy not only affects the lives of young mothers but also has long-term social and economic implications."

3. Body Paragraph 3: Solutions and Interventions
"Comprehensive sex education, accessible healthcare services, and support programs are crucial for addressing and preventing teen pregnancies."

"In conclusion, addressing the issue of teen pregnancy requires a multi-faceted approach including education, access to resources, and supportive initiatives to provide young individuals with better opportunities for their future."

Remember, these topic sentences are just examples, and you can modify them based on the specific points you want to discuss in each paragraph. It is important to provide evidence and analysis to support your claims throughout the body paragraphs and clearly summarize your main points in the conclusion.