) Mare is preparing an experiment using 3 cups, one made of paper, one of plastic and one of glass. She plans on pouring 50 ml of hot water from a pitcher into each of the 3 cups and record the temperature in 5 minute intervals. What is the independent variable in this investigation?

a. the time interval between measurements
b. the amount of water in each cup
c. the initial temperature of the water in the cups
d. the material the cups are made of

2) What question is mare most likely investigating?

a. what effect does temperature have on rate of evaporation?
b. which material makes the best insulator ?
c. how quickly do different amounts of water cool?
d. how longs does it take for 50 ml of water to reach room temperature

3)What would be the best way fro mara to display results of this investigation?

a. a pie chart
b. a stem and leaf plot
c. a line graph
d. venn diagram

See below.

1) The independent variable in this investigation is d. the material the cups are made of. The independent variable is the factor that is intentionally manipulated or changed by the researcher to study its effects on the dependent variable.

To determine the independent variable, you can look for the factor that is deliberately controlled and varied by Mare in her experiment. In this case, Mare is using cups made of different materials (paper, plastic, glass) and observing their impact on the temperature of the water over time.

2) The question Mare is most likely investigating is b. which material makes the best insulator?

To determine the question being investigated, you can think about the purpose or objective of the experiment. Mare is pouring hot water into the cups and recording their temperatures at intervals. By using cups made of different materials, she is likely trying to determine which material is the most effective insulator, as different materials have varying abilities to retain heat.

3) The best way for Mara to display the results of this investigation is c. a line graph.

To determine the best way to display the results, you should consider the nature of the data and the purpose of the visualization. In this experiment, the temperature of water in each cup is being recorded at 5-minute intervals. The data collected is numerical and continuous, making a line graph the most suitable option to show the changes in temperature over time for each cup.