find the equation (in slope intercept form) the line passing through the points with the given coordinate (-1,-1) (-3,-3)

-3 -3
y=2x-9 is what i got

is this correct?

no. slope= changeinY/changeinX

= -3-(-1)/((-3-(-1))= 1

i got y=x-4 then can u please proofread that for me

To find the equation of a line in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), you need to determine the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b). In your case, the given points are (-1, -1) and (-3, -3).

To find the slope (m):
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Plugging in the values from the points:
m = (-3 - (-1)) / (-3 - (-1))
m = (-3 + 1) / (-3 + 1)
m = -2 / -2
m = 1

Now that we have the slope (m), we can substitute this value along with one point into the slope-intercept form to find the y-intercept (b).

Using the point (-1, -1):
-1 = 1(-1) + b
-1 = -1 + b
b = 0

So the equation in slope-intercept form is:
y = 1x + 0
y = x

Therefore, the equation of the line passing through the points (-1, -1) and (-3, -3) is y = x.

Your answer, y = 2x - 9, is incorrect.