n A Tale of Two Cities chapter 15 in book the second, what had M Defarge done n attempt to save the tall man?


To find out what Monsieur Defarge had done in an attempt to save the tall man in Chapter 15 of Book the Second of A Tale of Two Cities, you can access the text in a few different ways:

1. Read the novel: If you have the physical book or an e-book version of A Tale of Two Cities, you can refer to Chapter 15 of Book the Second. Start from the beginning of the chapter and read through to find out what Monsieur Defarge did to try and save the tall man.

2. Online text: A Tale of Two Cities is a popular classic, so you can easily find the text online. Search for "A Tale of Two Cities Chapter 15 Book 2" on a search engine, and you should find a website or platform that hosts the complete text of the novel. Access the website and navigate to Chapter 15 of Book 2 to read the section about Monsieur Defarge's attempt to save the tall man.

3. Audiobook or audio adaptation: If you prefer listening to the book, you can find an audiobook version or an audio adaptation of A Tale of Two Cities. There are paid platforms like Audible or free platforms like Librivox, where you can search for the specific chapter and listen to the narration to learn about Monsieur Defarge's actions.

By utilizing one of these methods, you should be able to find and understand the events surrounding Monsieur Defarge's attempt to save the tall man in Chapter 15 of Book the Second in A Tale of Two Cities.