The President’s agenda has been derailed by out of touch right-wing extremist lies spread by cable media and talk radio.

Fallacy Type:

Ad hominem

Why it is this fallacy type:

Resource that describes this fallacy type:

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The fallacy type present in the given statement is ad hominem.

The ad hominem fallacy occurs when someone attacks the character, personal traits, or circumstances of an individual, rather than addressing the substance of their argument. In this case, the claim attributes the derailment of the President's agenda to the lies spread by cable media and talk radio, specifically labeling them as "out of touch right-wing extremist lies." By focusing on the perceived negative qualities or biases of these sources, the argument avoids directly engaging with the substance of the President's agenda or the accuracy of the information being spread.

To further understand this fallacy type, you can refer to various resources, such as:

1. "Logical Fallacies: Ad Hominem" - This resource provides a detailed explanation of the ad hominem fallacy, including different variations and examples. It describes how this fallacy undermines rational discourse by diverting attention away from the core arguments.

2. "The Fallacy Files: Ad Hominem" - This website offers an overview of the ad hominem fallacy along with explanations, common examples, and related fallacies. It also delves into the historical background and uses of this fallacy.

3. "Your Logical Fallacy Is: Ad Hominem" - This resource presents a simplified infographic that explains the ad hominem fallacy. It provides a concise and visual representation of how this fallacy derails discussions by attacking individuals rather than focusing on the arguments they present.

By studying these resources, you can enhance your understanding of the ad hominem fallacy and recognize its occurrence in various contexts.