if something big from outerspace hit earth, then where would it have least human impact?

The sparsest populations are at and near the poles.

The actual initial impact would have least effect at the poles or mid-ocean, but subsequent dust clouds and/or tsunami would still effect human populations greatly.

I hope this helps a little more.

If something big from outer space were to hit Earth, the least human impact would depend on various factors such as population density, proximity to inhabited areas, and environmental sensitivity. To determine the specific location with the least human impact, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the impact area: Consider the trajectory and size of the object. It would be best to consult scientific sources such as NASA or other space agencies to understand the potential impact area.

2. Analyze population density: Take into account the population density of different regions within the projected impact area. Lower population density suggests fewer people would be directly affected.

3. Identify uninhabited areas: Look for regions with minimal human settlements or uninhabited areas. Remote regions, deserts, remote islands, or maritime areas away from coastlines would have fewer people at risk.

4. Evaluate environmental impact: Assess the environmental sensitivity of various regions within the impact area. Avoid areas with unique ecosystems, fragile habitats, or critical biodiversity hotspots to minimize long-term ecological consequences.

5. Consider infrastructure and economic impact: Take into account the potential damage to critical infrastructure, such as cities, industrial zones, power plants, or agricultural areas. Areas with less vital infrastructure can be considered if the goal is to reduce overall human impact.

By combining these factors, you can identify regions with the least human impact in the event of such an impact. However, it is important to note that predicting the exact location of an impact is difficult, and the consequences of a large-scale impact would be significant regardless of the location.