In highschool I enjoyed the following subjects _ shop, art class, lunch and study hall.

A. Comma
B. Colon
C. Simicolon
D. Ellipese

Thank you


You could put a colon after subjects.

I would have added trigonometry, and poetry interpretation.

To determine the correct punctuation mark to use in the given sentence, we need to understand the purpose of each punctuation mark listed and decide which one best fits the sentence.

A comma (,) is used to separate items in a list or to separate clauses in a sentence.

A colon (:) is used to introduce a list or an explanation, or to indicate a ratio or time.

A semicolon (;) is used to separate two related independent clauses or as a supercomma in a list when the items contain commas.

An ellipsis (...) is used to indicate the omission of words or to create suspense or a pause.

In the given sentence, a comma (A) is the most appropriate punctuation mark to use. This is because the sentence is a list of subjects that the author enjoyed in high school. By using a comma to separate the subjects, it clearly shows that each subject is distinct and not part of a larger explanation.

So, the correct answer is A. Comma.