Whats the difference between being hispanic and being latino?

Although there is no agreement about the meanings of these words, these articles provide some good insights.



this was very helpful thank you so much

You're very welcome.

The terms "Hispanic" and "Latino" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. "Hispanic" refers to individuals who have a Spanish-speaking background or are descendants of Spanish-speaking countries, including Spain itself. It primarily emphasizes the linguistic or cultural aspect.

On the other hand, "Latino" refers to individuals who are from, or have ancestry from, Latin American countries. This term encompasses people from countries in Latin America, including Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and many others. Latino emphasizes the geographic origin of an individual.

To better understand the difference, it's important to note that not all Latinos are Hispanic, and not all Hispanics are Latino. For example, someone from Brazil is considered Latino but not Hispanic, as Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Conversely, someone from Spain is considered Hispanic but not Latino, as Spain is in Europe, not Latin America.

To determine which term is most appropriate for a particular individual, it is best to ask their preference, as identity and self-identification can vary from person to person.