Homework help quick

given f(x)= (X+1)/(x) and g(x)= x squared +1 find (g X f)(-9)
the options are
this is a homework question and it is due tommorow can u also explain or show how you arrived at that answer
Thanks in advance
by X i meant multiply

Are you certain the X means multiply. I think it means composition.

g compose (f(-9))= g(8/9)= 64/81+1= 145/81

You are being asked to apply a "function of a function". In this case you take the f(x) function and apply the g(x) operation to it.

What I get is [(x+1)/x]^2 + 1.
When x = -9, this is (8/9)^2 + 1
= 64/81 + 81/81 = 145/81
I do not agree with any of the choices.

To find the value of (g X f)(-9), we need to perform function composition.

First, let's substitute -9 into the function g(x):

g(-9) = (-9)^2 + 1 = 81 + 1 = 82

Now, let's substitute g(-9) into the function f(x):

f(g(-9)) = f(82)

To find the value of f(82), we substitute 82 into the function f(x):

f(82) = (82 + 1)/82 = 83/82

Therefore, the value of (g X f)(-9) is 83/82. So, the correct option is 83/82.