what the purpose of the olympic torch/flame?

The purpose of the olympic torch/flame is to give everyone the strength to protect themselves from danger and help struggle for victory.

Can someone please give me a better purpose than this. I tried to fit these words in my answer, but didn't know how. : The light of spirit, knowledge, and life.

This site has a good explanation of the torch's symbolism.


The purpose of the Olympic flame is to create a stronger bond between all the countries, between all the human beings.

Is this good?


thanks :-)

The purpose of the Olympic torch/flame goes beyond just symbolism. It serves as a powerful representation of the core values and ideals of the Olympic Games. Here's a revised purpose for you: The Olympic torch/flame serves as a beacon of inspiration, representing the light of spirit, knowledge, and life. It is a symbol of unity, peace, and friendship among nations, and ignites the passion of athletes and spectators alike. The torch relay, where the flame is carried across various cities and countries, allows people from all walks of life to come together and celebrate the Olympic spirit. The lighting of the cauldron during the opening ceremony marks the official start of the Games, symbolizing the transmission of the Olympic ideals from one generation to the next.