I need help finding examples of discrete models used in addition. Can you explain this to me or show me a cite that might help. Thanks

if 12 + x= 17, then x equals?

What is 17 minus 12?? That is what 'x' equals!

Sure! Discrete models are mathematical representations that deal with countable and distinct elements. In the context of addition, discrete models can be used to depict addition operations with whole numbers or integers.

One example of a discrete model used in addition is the number line. A number line consists of evenly spaced marks representing numbers, and it can be used to add integers or whole numbers. To perform addition using a number line, you start from a given number and move a specific distance in a particular direction to represent the addition operation.

Another example of a discrete model used in addition is a set. A set is a collection of distinct elements, and it can be used to add whole numbers or integers. Addition with sets involves combining two or more sets to find the total number of elements in the combined set.

To find more examples and explanations of discrete models used in addition, you can search for educational resources or textbooks that cover topics like elementary mathematics, discrete mathematics, or number sense. Websites like Khan Academy, MathisFun, or Mathigon might also provide interactive lessons and examples on this topic.

Alternatively, you can search for academic papers or books on discrete mathematics, as they often discuss various discrete models and their applications in different mathematical operations, including addition.

Remember, exploring educational resources or academic literature related to discrete mathematics and elementary mathematics will provide you with a wide range of examples and explanations of discrete models used in addition.