I need help with my outline for my character anaylsis. I am doing my research paper on Ethan Frome, and I can't come up with alot of things to include in my essay. Help Please!!!

Go to any of the following sites (or all of them), and find the title and then the character analysis link. You should get plenty of ideas.





Just be sure NOT to do any plagiarizing. Read through the character analysis sections, take notes in your own words, leave the computer, and write up what you remember.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with your character analysis outline for your research paper on Ethan Frome. When it comes to outlining, there are a few key components you should consider including:

1. Introduction:
- Provide a brief overview of the novel "Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton.
- Introduce your thesis statement, which will be the main argument or point you want to make about the character(s) you'll analyze.

2. Background Information:
- Give some background information about the character(s) you'll be analyzing.
- Discuss their role in the novel and their significance within the story.

3. Physical Description:
- Describe the physical appearance of the character(s) and its relevance to their personality or portrayal in the novel.
- Explain how their physical attributes contribute to the overall understanding of their character.

4. Personality Traits:
- Analyze the character(s) by discussing their key personality traits.
- Provide specific examples from the novel to support each trait mentioned.
- Explain how these traits shape the character's actions, relationships, and motivations.

5. Motivations and Conflicts:
- Examine the character's motivations and conflicts within the story.
- Discuss their desires, aspirations, and inner struggles.
- Explore how their motivations and conflicts drive the plot and shape their decisions.

6. Relationships:
- Analyze the character's relationships with other characters.
- Highlight significant relationships and explain how they impact the character's development.
- Discuss any conflicts or tensions that arise due to these relationships.

7. Character Development:
- Evaluate how the character evolves and develops throughout the novel.
- Discuss any turning points or key events that shape the character's growth.
- Analyze the character's transformation or lack thereof, and its significance to the overall story.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize your analysis of the character(s).
- Restate your thesis statement and how your analysis supports it.
- Conclude with a final thought or reflection on the character(s) and their role in the novel.

Remember, these are just general suggestions to help you structure your outline. You can adapt and modify it based on the specific aspects you want to focus on in your analysis. Good luck with your research paper!