wat is 310000 dollars divided by 9 people?

Well all u have to do is to get a calculator and divide 310000 by 9

310000DOLLAR/9PLP= 34444.44DOLLARS PER PERSON. So each person gets $3444.44

Yes, it's $34,444.44 (not $3444.44).

To calculate how much each person would receive if $310,000 were divided among 9 people, you need to perform a division operation.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by dividing the total amount of money, $310,000, by the number of people, which is 9.

$310,000 / 9

2. Divide the first digit of the dividend (3 in $310,000) by the divisor (9).

3 ÷ 9 = 0 (with a remainder of 3)

3. Move to the next digit of the dividend and combine it with the remainder from the previous step. So, 31 becomes the new dividend.

4. Divide the new dividend (31) by the divisor (9).

31 ÷ 9 = 3 (with a remainder of 4)

5. Repeat the process until you have divided all the digits of the dividend.

4 ÷ 9 = 0 (with a remainder of 4)

6. Finally, since there is no more dividend remaining, the division is complete.

The result is 34,444 with a remainder of 4. Each person would receive $34,444, and there would be 4 dollars remaining.