how to answer this question ?

describe how someone could improve the following areas of fitness in the pool. 1.cardio cascular, 2.muscle strength, 3.muscular endurance.

what does this mean ? how do i answer this?

Read carefully.

To answer the question, you need to describe how someone can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, and muscular endurance in the pool.

1. Cardiovascular Fitness: To improve cardiovascular fitness in the pool, one can engage in activities that increase the heart rate, such as swimming laps at a moderate to high intensity, doing water aerobics or water jogging. You can explain how water exercises elevate the heart rate and increase overall endurance.

2. Muscle Strength: In the pool, one can work on muscle strength by incorporating resistance training exercises. This can be achieved by using pool noodles or dumbbells in the water to perform different movements. Aquatic exercises like leg kicks, arm curls, or water treading can effectively target various muscle groups and improve strength. Mention how water's buoyancy reduces impact while still providing resistance for muscle development.

3. Muscular Endurance: To improve muscular endurance in the pool, one can focus on performing repetitive movements for an extended period. Examples could include swimming laps continuously for an increasing number of repetitions or performing variations of water-based exercises for a longer duration. Explain how these activities increase the ability of muscles to work for a prolonged time and how the water's resistance contributes to building endurance.

To answer this question, you can provide a brief description of each area of fitness and then elaborate on specific exercises or activities that can be done in the pool to target and improve each area.