____ palys a large role in art music of the twentieth century

a. Melody
b. Rich harmony
c. Dissonance
d. Limited timbre

i think the answer is a. melody

c. Dissonance

Many pieces today are very dissonant. In the olden days, composers were pressured to create music that was pleasing to the ear, so in the past, music was more melodious.

To determine which option plays a large role in art music of the twentieth century, we need to examine the characteristics and techniques commonly used during this time period.

Melody refers to the sequence of musical tones or pitches. While melody has always been an important element in music, it does not specifically define the art music of the twentieth century.

Rich harmony represents the use of complex and intricate chords and progressions. While harmony plays a significant role in many styles of music, it is not the exclusive defining feature of art music during the twentieth century.

Dissonance refers to the effect created by clashing or unresolved musical intervals. Dissonance was a hallmark of much art music during the twentieth century, as composers sought to challenge traditional harmonic expectations and create tension.

Limited timbre refers to a restrained or narrow range of tone color or sound quality used in a musical composition. Although timbre can certainly be a deliberate choice in composition, it does not represent the defining characteristic of art music during the twentieth century.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer is:
c. Dissonance